Welcome To The Realm Of Siobhan Fahey

Welcome to Siobhan Fahey Realm.
This is one of the only places on the world wide web dedicated to songtress Siobhan Fahey.
Founder member of British super group Bananarama and goth rock group Shakespears Sister.
This is one of the sister sites to the main Siobhan Fahey Realm
website, which includes music, videos, interviews, reviews, discographies, photo galleries, chat and many, many other things.
Please join and become a member of the Siobhan Fahey world.

Siobhan Fahey - singer, songwriter, author, actress, business woman, Mother, sister, daughter, Diva and icon.


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Tuesday 24 November 2009

Bananarama Vs Lady Ga Ga

Bananarama Vs Lady Ga Ga ~ Just Summer {PoPmatic Mash Mix}

A very clever mash mix from PoPmatic using the classic 1983 Bananarama track 'Cruel Summer' with 'Just Dance' from current pop diva extrodinaire Lady Ga Ga to create 'Just Summer'.

a new twist..........Just Dance, Just Summer!

Just Dance To The Link


  1. Are the Bananarama girls Greek Goddesses of Amore?

  2. Would Bananarama and Siobhan ever get together to remake a Greek Tragedy song called

    Aphrodites win the worlds 3000 Guiness Book of Records best girl band forever.
    BANANAHARMA3000 - Holy Moly Grange Girls london compass (my nightmare) ENSW
    You'd have to contest with... ahem
    Jana Morrison
    Jolie Corkran
    Ria Taylor
    And Wrecky Pailor

  3. I feel Sam Sparrow Sick if not abosultely disgusted through the innocent eyes of my childhood.
    In too deep, and NO2 Aphrodite song but can't for the life of me remember its name.
    Hey little girl. Whrere will you go. Whrere ewe you run to now? But whrere ever indeed. In a veil? With no makeup. It ruins the look.
    Love Cousin Adonishiatmiat Manero.

  4. By the way. I am still wainting for my Bananarama Newsletter. Maybe Siobhan will write to me. God.

  5. eggshells tpau walking on water - no, running....
