Welcome To The Realm Of Siobhan Fahey

Welcome to Siobhan Fahey Realm.
This is one of the only places on the world wide web dedicated to songtress Siobhan Fahey.
Founder member of British super group Bananarama and goth rock group Shakespears Sister.
This is one of the sister sites to the main Siobhan Fahey Realm
website, which includes music, videos, interviews, reviews, discographies, photo galleries, chat and many, many other things.
Please join and become a member of the Siobhan Fahey world.

Siobhan Fahey - singer, songwriter, author, actress, business woman, Mother, sister, daughter, Diva and icon.


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Monday, 4 April 2011

Shakespears Sister - Are We In Love Yet?

Shakespears Sister - Are We In Love Yet?

A wonderfully clever video created by a dedicated fan for the old favourite 'Are We In Love Yet?' from the classic 'Hormonally Yours' album.