Welcome To The Realm Of Siobhan Fahey

Welcome to Siobhan Fahey Realm.
This is one of the only places on the world wide web dedicated to songtress Siobhan Fahey.
Founder member of British super group Bananarama and goth rock group Shakespears Sister.
This is one of the sister sites to the main Siobhan Fahey Realm
website, which includes music, videos, interviews, reviews, discographies, photo galleries, chat and many, many other things.
Please join and become a member of the Siobhan Fahey world.

Siobhan Fahey - singer, songwriter, author, actress, business woman, Mother, sister, daughter, Diva and icon.


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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Siobhan Fahey ~ It's A Trip {SFR Remix}

Siobhan Fahey ~ It's A Trip {Siobhan Fahey Realm Remix}
A fantastic new remix for Siobhan's original 'It's A Trip' song done with Punx Soundcheck has been drastically remixed for the Siobhan Fahey Realm by inhouse DJ and remixer DJ Crumbs.
DJC has added a great electro dance feel, vibrant and pulsating, to enjoy head over to The Siobhan Fahey Realm main site, or alternatively click the link here.
A huge thanks to DJ Crumbs at Crumbcity for yet another astounding Siobhan Fahey and Shakespears Sister remix, grattitude is due.
Miss Kitty.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Moms In The Mix

Siobhan Fahey ~ Moms In The Mix

A recent TV appearance from Moms In The Mix featuring Siobhan Fahey, who talks about her love of music, the fairy tale that was Bananarama, Shakespears Sister and how it is raising her two sons and trying to maintain a balance with her music career.

All in all a very entertaining interview clip, although a little too edited.